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Auto AI

Auto AI is an enterprise feature that uses the conversations between the brain and the end users in order to perform the following actions:

Recommend new intents

In the following example you can observe that the virtual assistant isn't trained to answer questions about sending screenshots. Thus, when the end users start asking questions on how to upload a screenshot, the system collects these questions and categorizes them to one intent with the name #send_screen_shot.

Recommend new examples to intents

In the example below, you can see that there is already an intent called #negative. So, when the end users say similar things that mean they disagree with the brain, the system collects these phrases and recommends adding them in the existing intent.

Auto AI contains independent deep learning algorithms, which, depending on the amount of logs and the time passed since the last training, run in the background for several hours in order to enhance a brain.

Enable Auto AI

After you enable Auto AI you will have to choose how you will train the brain. You can connect with different source types, such as:

  • Existing brain: It is possible to use the current or a different brain from the one you are currently using.
  • Existing environment: Similar to the brain, you can use a different environment to train your brain.
  • Your own logs: With this option, you can train the brain by uploading a CSV file.

Rules and tips to upload a CSV file

  • Maximum size of the CSV file is 20 MB.
  • Remove any sensitive data from the expressions that you include in the file.
  • Don't use expressions shorter than 3 or longer than 20 words, since the brain skips them.
  • The file must contain at least 100 expressions. A file with 500 or more expressions will give you better results. Provide as much data as you can within the 20 MB file limit.
  • The CSV must include only one column, so if an expression contains a comma, surround the expression in quotation marks.

Example CSV file format

What happens to my coverage if I trade in my car?
i'd like to buy a house.
How do I add a dependant to my plan?
"first, i want to know if i am already registered."