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Moveo.AI provides a GraphQL API to extract useful data collected from your end users.

Endpoint URLs

The endpoint URL for the API is


To authenticate the request, use your Analytics API key and the account ID for which the API key is generated.

Authorization: apikey <YOUR_API_KEY>
X-Moveo-Account-Id: <YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID>

Check this section

to learn how to create an API key.


You can use a tool such as Altair, a Google Chrome add-on, to quickly experiment with GraphQL queries to Moveo.AI.


  1. SessionsPreviewV2: returns information about each session.
  2. SessionContentV2: returns the content (whole history of messages) for a specific session.
  3. LogsSessionsIntervalV2: returns the number of sessions per interval (e.g., per day).
  4. UsersIntervalV2: returns the number of users per interval.
  5. LogRequestsIntervalV2: returns the number of received messages per interval.
  6. Sessions Counts: returns the number of sessions.
  7. Requests Counts: returns the number of user messages.
  8. Counts Per AI Agent: returns the number of sessions, messages, and users per AI Agent.
  9. TopIntentsV2: returns the most commonly used intents.
  10. MessagesPerHourV2: returns the average number of messages for every hour of the day in a week.
  11. AgentsPerformance: returns agent-related performance metrics.
  12. ResponseTimesInterval: returns response time metrics per interval.
  13. ResponseTimes: returns overall response time metrics.
  14. OpenClosedSessionsInterval: returns the number of open and closed sessions per interval.
  15. AgentRepliesInterval: returns the number of agent replies per interval.
  16. AI Agent Session Duration: returns the average duration of all, (non) contained, and (non) covered AI Agent sessions.
  17. AI Agent Session Number Messages: returns the average number of messages of all, (non) contained, and (non) covered AI Agent sessions.
  18. AI Agent Session Message Distribution: returns the distribution of AI Agent sessions with a specific number of user messages.
  19. AI Agents Performance: returns the performance of one or more AI Agents.
  20. RatingsInterval: returns ratings-related metrics per interval.
  21. RatingsFeedbacks: returns the ratings and feedbacks.