Moveo.AI provides a GraphQL API to extract useful data collected from your end users.
Endpoint URLs
The endpoint URL for the API is https://logs.moveo.ai/v1/graphql
To authenticate the request, use your Analytics API key and the account ID for which the API key is generated.
Authorization: apikey <YOUR_API_KEY>
X-Moveo-Account-Id: <YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID>
Check this section
to learn how to create an API key.Altair
You can use a tool such as Altair, a Google Chrome add-on, to quickly experiment with GraphQL queries to Moveo.AI.
: returns information about each session.SessionContentV2
: returns the content (whole history of messages) for a specific session.LogsSessionsIntervalV2
: returns the number of sessions per interval (e.g., per day).UsersIntervalV2
: returns the number of users per interval.LogRequestsIntervalV2
: returns the number of received messages per interval.Sessions Counts
: returns the number of sessions.Requests Counts
: returns the number of user messages.Counts Per AI Agent
: returns the number of sessions, messages, and users per AI Agent.TopIntentsV2
: returns the most commonly used intents.MessagesPerHourV2
: returns the average number of messages for every hour of the day in a week.AgentsPerformance
: returns agent-related performance metrics.ResponseTimesInterval
: returns response time metrics per interval.ResponseTimes
: returns overall response time metrics.OpenClosedSessionsInterval
: returns the number of open and closed sessions per interval.AgentRepliesInterval
: returns the number of agent replies per interval.AI Agent Session Duration
: returns the average duration of all, (non) contained, and (non) covered AI Agent sessions.AI Agent Session Number Messages
: returns the average number of messages of all, (non) contained, and (non) covered AI Agent sessions.AI Agent Session Message Distribution
: returns the distribution of AI Agent sessions with a specific number of user messages.AI Agents Performance
: returns the performance of one or more AI Agents.RatingsInterval
: returns ratings-related metrics per interval.RatingsFeedbacks
: returns the ratings and feedbacks.