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Members management

You can collaborate with colleagues across multiple accounts in Moveo. This guide will help you invite new members to your account, and locate and accept invitations to other accounts as well.

Inviting new members

  1. Click on your profile icon in the top-right corner of the screen to access your profile settings.
  2. Navigate to Manage Access.
  3. Click on the Invite button.
  4. Enter the email address of the person you want to invite and select their roles.
  5. Click on the Invite button to send the invitation.

Viewing and accepting invitations

  1. Click on your profile icon in the top-right corner of the screen to access your profile settings.
  2. Navigate to Personal Settings → Invitations to view all the accounts you have been invited to. Here, you can also see the role assigned to you in each account. Learn more about permissions.
  3. Once you accept an invitation, click on your profile icon again to view the list of accounts you are a member of, and select the newly added account.