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How to create your own webview

When the Webview response node is triggered, so when customer presses the Open Form button, Moveo calls your webview url and appends needed query parameters.

For example the URL would be called like:

Ensuring the origin of the webview request

In some cases, the webview may need to exchange context with the virtual assistant. To ensure that the data is secure in that event, create a pair of RS256 private and public keys by executing the following commands:

- openssl genrsa -out private.pem 2048
- openssl rsa -in private.pem -outform PEM -pubout -out public.pem

Add the public key to your integration (example for Facebook):

  • Go to the Integrations tab of your account.

  • Select your environment and integration.

  • Add the public key in the YOUR PUBLIC KEY field of the integration.

Creating the webview

Here is a step by step example of creating a webview that uses a form to collect data from the user and sends it back to Moveo.

  1. Get the following query parameters from the URL:

    channel✔️The integration channel (such as Facebook)
    integration_id✔️An ID used interally for the integrations
    user_id✔️Your unique id in Moveo
    trigger_node_idThe id used to trigger the webview response
  2. Collect data using a form or in any other way you wish.

  3. Prepare the data:

    • For Facebook: page_context = { psid: user_id }
    • For all other integrations: page_context = null

Then your full data is:

data = {
trigger_node_id, // optional
page_context, // optional
  1. Generate a signature (example in JavaScript)

    import jwt as sign from 'jsonwebtoken';

    const secret = Buffer.from( // your private rsa key

    const payload = {
    sub: <YOUR_USER_ID>, // Required
    iss: '', // Required

    // The "expiresIn" option adds an "exp" claim to the payload.
    sign(payload, secret, { algorithm: 'RS256', expiresIn: '4000ms' });
  1. Send the data to Moveo, by making an HTTP POST Request to:${channel}/${integration_id}/webview, using the following headers:

    headers: {
    Authorization: `Bearer ${signature}`,
    'X-Moveo-Session-Id': sessionId,
  2. Finally, close the webview by performing the following:

    const closeWebview = () => {
    if (channel === "facebook") {
    return closeFacebookWebview();
    return window.close();

Additional utilities

For Facebook, check out the Messenger utility methods, to learn more about some methods you could use for your webview.