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Dialogs are a core concept of Moveo. Dialogs are small, independent and possibly interlinked components that define the flow of the conversation. The dialogs usually target a smaller and independent part of the desired conversation and can be interconnected with other dialogs in order to achieve a more complex interaction with the end user.

Each dialog consists of trigger and action nodes.


Every dialog starts with a single trigger. Moveo.AI supports the following triggers:

IntentTriggered on text messages, when the AI agent recognizes an intent
EventTriggered internally from a different dialog node
FallbackTriggered when Moveo cannot match any of the dialog nodes given the recognized intent

Add a trigger

Add a new trigger by using Moveo's drag-and-drop functionality.

Uses of triggers

Moveo has two different functionalities for triggers.

  • They can be used as the parent trigger (r0r_0, nodes[0]) in a dialog.
  • They can be used as child triggers, to provide a different response. See what happens for an intent trigger and a fallback trigger.

Enhance with AI

Toggle "Enhance with AI" in the trigger node’s sidebar to enrich responses with relevant contextual information.


Each time the user sends a message, the AI agent activates one or more triggers. It can then respond in a variety of forms.

There are different kind of actions like plain text, links, menus and options. You can add one or more actions below a trigger simply by dragging and dropping them.

Types of actions

Moveo.AI supports the following responses, operations and extensions:


TextReply with a text
ImageSend an image
CarouselReply with a carousel
WebviewDisplay a webview
VideoSend a video
FileSend a file
SurveyDisplay a survey


QuestionAsk a question to the user
Jump toTrigger a specific node
ConditionCreate a logic tree
HandoverTransfer the conversation to an agent
TagLabel the conversation with a tag
PausePause the conversation
Set variablesSet a variable equal to a value
Reset variablesReset specific or all context variables
ResolveClose the conversation


WebhookCall a predefined webhook
Google SheetStore data in a Google Sheet
EmailSend an email

Add an action

Add one or more actions below a trigger by using Moveo's drag-and-drop functionality.


A folder is simply a group of dialogs. Its purpose is to create a clean and organized virtual assistant, so that you can coordinate better and be more efficient. Kind of like organizing clothes in a closet's shelves, instead of putting them all in one cupboard. To (re)name a folder, you can double click its name and enter the new one.

Moving around dialogs

You can always drag and drop a dialog from any folder to another. You can also drag and drop a dialog to the area at the bottom of the list to create a new folder, or click on any dialog and then on the Create dialog button in order to create a dialog under the folder you are at.

Export a dialog

  1. Select the dialog you want to export.
  2. Click on Export dialog.

The exported dialog will be a JSON file.

Import a dialog

  1. Select the dialog you want to overwrite, or create a new dialog.
  2. Click on Import dialog and select the JSON file of the dialog.


Each new dialog turn in Moveo is designed to efficiently handle up to 80 trigger nodes and completes within a maximum timeframe of 17 seconds. This setup ensures optimal performance and user experience during interactions. In practice, these limits are rarely reached unless an unintended infinite loop is introduced through the dialog's event structure.

Loop Detection

To safeguard against such scenarios, Moveo employs real-time loop detection mechanisms. These mechanisms monitor the creation of dialog event loops, typically occurring due to incorrectly configured jumpTo actions that inadvertently create cyclic dependencies between dialogs. For instance, a dialog named "Dialog Affirmative" jumps to "Dialog UserInfo", which in turn jumps back to "Dialog Affirmative", forming a loop.

While some loops might be intentionally designed to achieve specific conversational flows, most are accidental and can disrupt the user experience. If Moveo detects potential looping behavior, it issues a warning message pointing out the actions in the dialogs that created the loop. This notification serves as a prompt to review and, if necessary, revise the dialog configuration to eliminate the unintended loop. However, if the loop is part of your design and functions as intended, you may disregard this warning.