Moveo.AI provides an out-of-the-box integration with Front.
To integrate Moveo with Front, you need to be a Company admin in your Front account.
To connect Moveo with Front, the process is straightforward. First, create a Front integration inside Moveo and click the Connect button. When you are redirected to Front, log in to your account if you haven't already, and click Authorize. Lastly, configure the Inboxes in which you want Moveo to handle conversations.
Integration settings
Below, you can find the various settings that can be adjusted for your Front integration:
In this section, you can configure the Inboxes where Moveo listens for inbound messages. The AI Agent will handle unassigned conversations in these inboxes.
For more precise control, you can specify a set of tags for Moveo to join only the conversations that contain one of those tags, in addition to the selected Inboxes above, or leave it empty to engage in all conversations of those inboxes.

How Moveo works in Front
The responders of your user's messages in Front's platform depend on the integration mode selected.
- System
- Agent
Moveo functions as a separate system within your Front account without requiring an extra teammate seat. In this mode, most of Front's channels are supported, except Intercom. Conversations in this mode always remain unassigned.

Moveo acts as the teammate you specify in the AI Agent teammate configuration. The teammate selected must be a Company admin in Front.

The handover behavior varies based on the integration mode selected.
- System
- Agent
When a customer requests to speak with a human, Moveo responds to this request and adds the Moveo Handover tag. Unassigned conversations with this tag are ready to be answered by your human teammates.
When a customer requests to speak with a human, after providing the response to this request, the AI Agent stops answering and unassigns the conversation, so that your human teammates can take over.
Responses support
Front currently does not support all AI Agent responses. Specifically, Carousels
and Webviews are not supported yet, while Options are supported partially.