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Moveo.AI offers an out-of-the-box integration with WhatsApp Business, utilizing the Application Programming Interface (API) provided by Meta for seamless communication with customers on the platform.

Connect with Embedded Signup

The embedded signup flow is a straightforward onboarding process that helps you add a phone number to a WhatsApp account and connect it with Moveo.

In just a few steps, you'll select or create a WhatsApp Business Account and seamlessly connect it to a phone number. Afterward, granting Moveo access to your WhatsApp account enables automated messaging with your customers.

Before you begin

Please have all necessary resources at hand to proceed with the embedded signup:

Valid phone number

This phone number must be able to receive and verify a 6 Digit PIN Code through SMS or Voice Call.


This number cannot be registered to an existing WhatsApp account, whether it is a WhatsApp Business or WhatsApp personal account. Furthermore, it cannot be used in any such account thereafter.

During the WhatsApp signup process, you will receive an SMS or a phone call on this number.


If this number is already linked to a WhatsApp Business Provider, you can seamlessly migrate it to Moveo.

Your company's basic information

  • Company’s corporate name.
  • Company’s website.
  • Your business email address.
  • Country.

The website must be provided, be working, secured with SSL, and provide a clear explanation of the company's business model.

Steps to connect with WhatsApp

  1. Go to your Integrations and select Configure on WhatsApp.
  2. Select Connect.
  3. In the popup window, log in to Facebook using your personal or professional account.
  4. Select Continue as [Your Name].
  5. Select Get Started.
  6. Select or create a Meta Business account.
  7. Select or create a WhatsApp Business account.
  8. Add and verify the phone number.
  9. Return to the Integration page in Moveo and await the completion of the account registration.
  10. Toggle Active and press Get Started to complete the connection.

Meta Business Account

Meta Business is a comprehensive platform for companies, encompassing all Meta's services and applications such as Facebook Pages, Instagram Accounts, and WhatsApp accounts.

If your business already has a Meta Business account, select it in the dropdown. If not, select Create a business account.

If you are creating a new account or any of the fields are empty, please fill them with the company's information you prepared previously. Then click Next.

WhatsApp Business Account

This will be your WhatsApp Business account that will be associated with Moveo once you complete the embedded signup flow.

Your WhatsApp Business account profile serves as the face your customers encounter when they reach out to you. Should you desire any customizations, such as altering the avatar, description, or business information, simply navigate to your WhatsApp Manager and select the account you wish to modify.


If you're in the process of migrating a phone number from an account that you've previously linked with a different provider, rest assured that your profile will remain intact.

Typically, you'll be required to create a new WhatsApp Business Account. To proceed, you'll need to fill out the essential fields, including the Account Name, Display Name, and Category.

If you already have a WhatsApp Business account that has no phone numbers connected to it, select it from the dropdown menu. Should an account appear greyed out, it indicates that it's incompatible with this process as it's already linked to a phone number.

Add and Verify the phone number

Input the prepared phone number, then choose your preferred method for receiving the verification code.


If you choose the "text message" option, keep in mind that the delivery of the message may take 5 minutes or more to arrive.

Next, enter the verification code and click Next to proceed.

Finally, view a summary of the connection on the next two screens, then click on Finish to successfully complete the process.

WhatsApp testing

You can also test your AI Agents with WhatsApp, using your phone number. This is NOT an integration with WhatsApp, but a test of the integration with our Moveo number. You must have a WhatsApp account with this number to test.

Manual connection flow (Deprecated)

Before you begin

Before you begin connecting Moveo with WhatsApp you need the following:

  • A verified Facebook Business Manager account, for which you have admin access.

  • A Meta developer account with an App that is connected to your Business Manager Account.

Create a WhatsApp product in your App

In your Meta App navigate to the Add Product Page and click Set up under WhatsApp. Select your existing Meta Business Manager account.

Add your phone number

When creating your WhatsApp product, Meta gives you a temporary phone number which can be used for testing. In order to add your actual phone number click on the Add phone number button in the right bottom of the screen and complete the form.


In order for your phone number to be usable, Meta needs to verify your WhatsApp Account. The verification process takes approximately 1 to 2 days.

In order to monitor the verification status of your phone number you can navigate to your WhatsApp Manager and click on the phone number that you previously added.

Clicking on the phone number, you can see the status of your phone number’s verification.

While waiting for Meta to approve your phone number, you can continue to the step below.

Connect with Moveo

Navigate to the Moveo Console and add a new WhatsApp Integration if you haven’t done so already. Then, select "Manual setup" to access the Settings.

When connecting WhatsApp you need to copy-paste certain fields, which will allow Moveo to receive and answer user messages.

In order to connect your WhatsApp account with Moveo you will need the following:

Access token

Follow this guide to generate an Access Token for your Business Manager. When selecting the relevant permissions check the whatsapp_business_messaging and whatsapp_business_management permissions. Copy paste this token to Moveo under the field Access Token.

App Secret

Navigate to your Meta App under Settings > Basic and copy-paste the App Secret token in your Integration.

Phone number ID

Navigate to your WhatsApp product and copy your Phone number ID for the phone number added in Step 2 above.

Verify token

In your integration set your verify token to be anything that you want. The verify token will be used in the steps below.

Capture the Integration ID from the URL of the page. For example in the URL:<SLUG>/environments/0e1f735c-912e-4301-a1df-671afe4a0x2a/integrations/fad2e11a-74ee-4699-850e-f5cfbc812892

the Integration ID is the last part of the URL, i.e: fad2e11a-74ee-4699-850e-f5cfbc812892.

Navigate to the Configuration tab in your WhatsApp product in your Meta App and do the following:

  • Set the webhook callback URL to:<YOUR_INTEGRATION_ID>.
  • Set the Verify token from above.
  • Subscribe to the messages webhook field.

Register your phone number

After Meta verifies your phone number, navigate to the Configuration tab in your WhatsApp product in your Meta App and register your phone number.