Questions are the main way to collect information from the user through Q&A.
You can add a question below any text or event trigger and your virtual assistant can ask for a single or multiple pieces of information from the user within a single dialog.
Ask only
Select to ask only, for simple data extraction.
You then need to fill the following fields:
ASK: The question to make to the user
SAVE INPUT IN THE VARIABLE: The context variable key, in which the user's input is saved.
If the context variable, in which you want to save the user's information, is already filled, the AI agent will skip the question.
Check and ask
To add validation to your question, you can select to Check and ask.
In these kinds of questions, you need to fill the following fields.
ASK: The question you want the AI agent to ask. You can also set a reprompt question, when the user's input does not satisfy the requirements.
VALIDATION: The validation you want to make. It can be one of the following types:
Entity: Checks the user's last message for an entity, and asks the if the entity is not present.
Input type: Checks the user's response to the question, to be one of the following types:
- Text
- Number
- Phone
- Integer
SAVE INPUT IN THE VARIABLE: The context variable key, in which the user's input is saved.
noteWhen you choose to perform entity validation, a second variable is automatically generated. This variable has the suffix
added to the defined key, and it stores the value of the entity that corresponds to the user's response.