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Webhooks are an easy way to integrate Moveo.AI with your own system, to provide personalization or more complex interaction with your users. Moveo.AI sends information to your custom endpoint using simple HTTP POST calls whenever a webhook action is triggered within your dialog.

You can use a webhook to do one of the following types of things:

  • Validate information that you collect from the user.
  • Send requests to an external application. For example, you might check on the application status of a customer or access your inventory to see if a product is available for shipping.
  • Trigger an SMS notification or OTP verification.

Verifying Origin

Each callback contains a signature on the JSON passed to the callback. The signature is HMAC with SHA256 that will use the webhook verification token as the key and the JSON as the value. The result is passed as HTTP Header X-Moveo-Signature so the receiver can determine the origin of the message.

import crypto from "crypto";
function encodeHMAC(data: crypto.BinaryLike, secret: string): string {
return crypto.createHmac("sha256", secret).update(data).digest("hex");

Whitelisting IPs

We strongly discourage IP allow lists and encourage customers instead to verify the callbacks by using HMAC Signed Callbacks.

If you are restricting inbound traffic, you should allow the following IPs:


Receiving Calls

Whenever a webhook is triggered, Moveo.AI sends a payload of the following format (JSON) to your webhook URL.


"channel": "web",
"session_id": "00d2ff33-706e-4a2c-8544-df6c9d0c1ecf",
"brain_id": "d3d08940-f0ef-42e0-993c-1bea065dcqwe",
"lang": "en",
"context": {
"total_months": 3,
"destination": "England",
"sys-unknown_counter": 0,
"sys-channel": "web",
"sys-user_message_counter": 1,
"total_expenses": 500
"input": {
"text": "Hello, my name is George and I would like to go for erasmus"
"intents": [
"intent": "erasmus",
"confidence": 0.89
"entities": [
"entity": "firstname",
"value": "George",
"start": 18,
"end": 36,
"confidence": 1,
"type": "user"
"tags": ["erasmus", "destination"],
"debug": {
"dialog_stack": [
"node_id": "35411a26-cff7-4fb3-a2e9-0e8e6ada048a",
"name": "greetings"
"node_id": "a85b10e8-e7f3-40df-9715-196c4eae5f14",
"name": "plan_erasmus"

In the case of receiving error HTTP codes 5xx as a response to the POST calls, Moveo.AI will try to re-send the payload three times before giving up.


Outer Level

channelstringChannel name the message is coming from ("viber", "web" etc.)
session_idstringThe ID representing the user that triggered the webhook call
brain_idstringThe ID representing the brain for the webhook call
verify_tokenstringThe verify token you specified in the webhook configuration
contextContextContext variables that have been collected for that user so far
inputInputThe user input that triggered the dialog node
intentsIntentList of intents recognized, sorted by confidence
entitiesEntityList of entities recognized in the user input
debugDebugInformation related to debugging the Moveo.AI dialog state


Context consists of key-value pairs with the keys representing context variables names and values capturing the user input.


textstringThe text that was typed by the user


intentstringThe intent name
confidencefloatThe confidence for that intent (between 0 and 1)


entitystringThe entity type
valuestringThe entity value from the user's input
startintegerStart index of the value within the user's text
endintegerEnd index of the value within the user's text
confidencefloatEntity detection confidence
typestringType of entity (ie. "user", "system" etc.)

Debug/Dialog Stack

node_idstringThe node id as defined in the dialog
namestringThe node name as defined in the dialog

Sending Replies

The webhook expects a JSON response with a specific structure. The response must be a JSON object containing either a context dictionary or a responses array, or both.

  • context: An object containing key-value pairs for session-specific data.
  • responses: An array of response objects, each specifying a particular type of response.

Response Requirements:

  • Expects a response in the same HTTP call.
  • Expects a 200 response code from your server.
  • Expects a response from your server within 8 seconds or less.

Context Object

The context object is used to store session-specific data that can be passed between requests to maintain state.


  • Must be a JSON object.
  • Cannot include the following reserved keywords:
    • "global"
    • "channels"


"context": {
"selected_product": "apples",
"amount": "6"

Responses Array

The responses array contains response objects that define how the Virtual Agent should respond to the user.


  • Must be a JSON array.
  • Each element must be a JSON object.
  • Each response object must have a "type" field.

Supported Response Types:

  • "text"
  • "image"
  • "video"
  • "audio"
  • "file"
  • "event"
  • "carousel"
  • "webview"
  • "reset"

Response Object Types

1. Text Response

Used to send text messages, possibly with quick reply options.

"type": "text",
"texts": [ "string" ],
"options": [ { ... } ] // optional
  • type (string): Must be "text".
  • texts (array of strings): The text messages to send.
    • Required.
  • options (array of option objects): Quick reply options.
    • Optional.
    • Minimum 1, maximum 10 options.
Option Object:
"text": "string",
"label": "string"
  • text (string): The text sent back when the option is selected.
    • Required.
    • Minimum length: 1 character.
  • label (string): The display label for the option.
    • Required.
    • Minimum length: 1 character.
    • Maximum length: 64 characters.
"type": "text",
"texts": ["Hello! How can I assist you today?"],
"options": [
"text": "I need help",
"label": "Help"
"text": "Just browsing",
"label": "Browse"

2. Media Response

Used to send media files like images, videos, audio, or files.

"type": "string",
"url": "string",
"name": "string", // optional
"size": integer // optional
  • type (string): One of "image", "video", "audio", "file".
    • Required.
  • url (string): The URL of the media file.
    • Required.
    • Must be a valid URI.
  • name (string): The name of the file.
    • Optional.
  • size (integer): The size of the file in bytes.
    • Optional.
"type": "image",
"url": "",
"name": "Sample Image",
"size": 102400

3. Event Response

Used to trigger specific events in the conversation flow.

"type": "event",
"trigger_node_id": "string"
  • type (string): Must be "event".
    • Required.
  • trigger_node_id (string): The UUID of the node to trigger.
    • Required.
    • Must match the UUID format.
"type": "event",
"trigger_node_id": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000"

Used to send a carousel of cards, each with media, title, subtitle, and buttons.

"type": "carousel",
"cards": [ { ... } ],
"action_id": "string"
  • type (string): Must be "carousel".
    • Required.
  • cards (array of card objects): The carousel cards.
    • Required.
    • Minimum 1, maximum 6 cards.
  • action_id (string): A UUID representing the action.
    • Required.
    • Must match the UUID format.
Card Object:
"media": { ... },
"title": "string",
"subtitle": "string", // optional
"buttons": [ { ... } ], // optional
"default_action": { ... } // optional
  • media (object): The media associated with the card.
    • Required.
    • Must include:
      • url (string): Valid URI.
      • type (string): "image" or "video".
  • title (string): The title of the card.
    • Required.
    • Minimum length: 1 character.
    • Maximum length: 64 characters.
  • subtitle (string): The subtitle of the card.
    • Optional.
    • Maximum length: 100 characters.
  • buttons (array of button objects): Interactive buttons.
    • Optional.
    • Minimum 1, maximum 3 buttons.
  • default_action (object): The default action when the card is tapped.
    • Optional.
    • Must be one of the action types defined below.
Button Object:

Buttons can be of the following types:

  • Postback Button:
    "type": "postback",
    "label": "string",
    "value": "string"
  • URL Button:
    "type": "url",
    "label": "string",
    "url": "string"
  • Webview Button:
    "type": "webview",
    "label": "string",
    "url": "string",
    "height": "string", // "tall", "compact", "full"
    "trigger_node_id": "string" // optional
Default Action Object:

Same structure as the button object, but without the label field for postback and URL types.

"type": "carousel",
"cards": [
"media": {
"url": "",
"type": "image"
"title": "Product 1",
"subtitle": "Description of product 1",
"buttons": [
"type": "postback",
"label": "Buy Now",
"value": "buy_product_1"
"type": "url",
"label": "Learn More",
"url": ""
"default_action": {
"type": "url",
"url": ""
"action_id": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000"

5. Webview Response

Used to display a webview within the chat interface.

"type": "webview",
"name": "string",
"label": "string",
"url": "string",
"height": "string", // "tall", "compact", "full"
"trigger_node_id": "string" // optional
  • type (string): Must be "webview".
    • Required.
  • name (string): The name of the webview.
    • Required.
  • label (string): The label for the webview.
    • Required.
  • url (string): The URL to load in the webview.
    • Required.
    • Must be a valid URI.
  • height (string): The height of the webview.
    • Optional.
    • Acceptable values: "tall", "compact", "full".
  • trigger_node_id (string): The UUID to trigger upon webview events.
    • Optional.
    • Must match the UUID format.
"type": "webview",
"name": "Survey",
"label": "Visit our website",
"url": "",
"height": "full",
"trigger_node_id": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000"

6. Reset Response

Used to reset the conversation or user context.

"type": "reset"
  • type (string): Must be "reset".
    • Required.


Full Response Example with Context and Multiple Responses

"context": {
"user": {
"language": "en"
"responses": [
"type": "text",
"texts": ["Welcome back! What would you like to do today?"],
"options": [
"text": "View Products",
"label": "Products"
"text": "Contact Support",
"label": "Support"
"type": "carousel",
"cards": [
"media": {
"url": "",
"type": "image"
"title": "Product 1",
"buttons": [
"type": "postback",
"label": "Buy Now",
"value": "buy_product_1"
"media": {
"url": "",
"type": "image"
"title": "Product 2",
"buttons": [
"type": "postback",
"label": "Buy Now",
"value": "buy_product_2"
"context": {
"total_expenses": 100


Outer Level

responsesResponsesList of responses that Moveo should use to respond to the user
contextdictionaryKey-value pairs that can be used to update user context variables


typestringIntegration type
textsstringList of texts that should be used to reply
namestringMedia name
urlstringURL to be used for url type
sizestringMedia size in bytes
trigger_node_idstringNode ID to be triggered for event type

You cannot directly set the user variable. Instead, if you want to return a field such as the user's name, use the following approach:

Instead of:

context: {
user: {
display_name: "John Doe";


context: {["user.display_name"]: "John Doe"}


You can use the Details section within from the Test functionality to debug any issues that Moveo might have encountered when displaying your webhook responses.

How to create your own webhook

You can find a comprehensive set of examples where webhooks are used here.